The Black Book Exchange Box is committed to long-term literacy initiatives in the Black and Brown Community.
Stay tuned for more information.
In The News

The Black Book Exchange Box is a 3-time recipient of the City of Grand Rapids Neighborhood Match Fund. Through its NMF grant, TBBEB has installed 6 book houses throughout the city. It is on track to install 15 more during 2021 and is excited to expand its book exchange system into the Hispanic and Latino community.
Amplify GR has powered 4 book houses to provide access to literature that affirms Black culture while building greater cultural understanding for anyone reading!
Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority, Inc. is the first Greek Organization to sponsor a Black Book Exchange Box! Its book house is dedicated in honor of its 15 charter members of Theta Chi Omega - Grand Rapids, MI.
CARNEVALE - Toni Morrison Donor
GR Noir - Toni Morrison Donor
Global Bridgebuilders - James Baldwin Donor